4 Must Know Financial Terms The holidays are upon us! And with the holidays comes the fun tradition of holiday shopping! Just as you should plan when shopping, you should also plan of when dealing with finances. Although Financial Literacy month isn’t until next year, we wanted to get a head start by celebrating Canada’s Financial Literacy month, November! Before
Five Things to Add to Your Financial To-do List The weather is getting cooler, the colors are changing, and the scent of pumpkin spice fills the air signaling the beginning of fall and holiday season. But October isn’t just known for pumpkin carving and corn mazes, October is also the month for financial planning. It’s a great time to review
5 Signs You’re Ready to Retire You are nearing the average retirement age and each day it becomes closer and closer. The question is, are you ready to retire? Check out these 5 signs you’re ready to retire. Your Savings Exceeds Your Retirement Goals: At one time or another, you sat down and made an investment plan so you could